I was just reflecting on how relieved I was, just three weeks ago, when we finally closed on the house, having scaled the mountain of faxes, bank forms, and assorted other paperwork. Looking at all of the documentation required for residence, car registration, and name changes (etc., etc., etc.), I think it’s clear that this state of affairs is the norm rather than the exception for adult homeowners. Not to whine or anything – I know how fortunate we are to have our very own place in this early stage of our life together. But this seemingly-sudden swelling of BS “pro formas” fills a busywork void that both of us would rather have remained relatively empty. Obviously, once we make these initial steps and finally move in, things will stabilize in the “read this tome and sign in triplicate” department. Until then, I’ll just have to grit my teeth and accept the nearly overwhelming hassles of bureaucracy… in exchange for all the privileges entailed by the good ship Homeowner.
(Get it?... “Homeownership”… aaah never mind…)
Oh, by the way, the reason many of the graphics missing from this blog (still titled “SWiley's Blog – How Original!”, FYI) is that UMBC finally dropped the account I had since 2001 (I did know this was scheduled, but I forgot it would have the effect of killing my blog graphics). So sooner or later I should upload them to a permanent host, or blogger, or something. I was considering getting my own domain. We'll see... posted by Steve
10/13/2007 06:15:00 PM
Dearest love, Are you still reflecting? I wish I didn't hog up all of your time like the way I do these days so you could write about things you like to write about. I love reading your material. You are such a wonderful writer. I love you!
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