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Wednesday, July 03, 2002


Some weird news:

New Zealanders on July 9 will be able to wake up and smell the ... newspaper. That's not a problem for most since this edition of the Otago Daily Times will be chocolate scented.
The stunt is to mark the opening of the Cadbury World visitor center and factory. Cadbury is the maker of Cadbury chocolates, of course.
Group advertising sales manager Paul Dwyer said in an Otago article: "Some newspapers around the world have already used strongly smelling inks and, at first, we thought we would try chocolate flavored ink. But we thought that was a bit risky as the printing might not be permanent. People might have tried to lick the news off the page."
It was the Cadbury chemists who told them about the chocolate flavored perfume, which they purchased from an Australian vendor. The newspaper staff designed a simple sprayer that squirts 24,000 times an hour but a plumber will be on hand during the press run, just in case of any clogs.

Coming soon... magazines that smell like perfume! Wait... I think they already have those...

The black-and-white wanted poster read: "Large mouth, length up to 40 inches, weight up to 15 pounds ... it can survive out of water several days. If you come across this fish, please kill."
The Washington Post reports a Washington, D.C.-area man, Joe Gillespie, his son and his son's friend did just that -- hooked and killed a northern snakehead.
The problem, the newspaper reports, is scientists are afraid this strange creature, a fish that can shimmy on its belly and fins across land and live out of water, may not have come alone. The first report was from an angler who caught a 19-inch version and tossed it back. The fish Joe and his crew caught was 26 inches.
State biologists had tried for days but failed to catch the fearsome curiosity, which apparently can quickly clean a pond out of regular fish. Wildlife officials have set new traps and are checking ponds daily.

Note: D.C.-area probably means "Marylander." I'll keep my eyes open for any of these scary suckers so they don't eat the kids at camp. Here's a pic; be on the lookout:

FDA Shuts Off Nicotine Water Spigot
(AP) Water laced with nicotine is billed as a "refreshing break to the smoking habit," but the Food and Drug Administration ruled Tuesday that it's also illegal, ending a California company's bid to begin selling bottles later this month...

Mmmmm... liquid cigarettes. Can't imagine why they decided to ban that stuff.

Have a safe and happy 4th. Don't give a guy a firecracker in a hotdog bun. It might seem fun at first, but it isn't worth the dental expenses.



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